Microsoft Office Home 2024 1-user ESD Download
Get this code on the same day from Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm, purchases made over weekends and outside office hours will be fulfilled on the next business day only.
One-time purchase for 1 PC or Mac
Classic 2024 desktop versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote
Access to support resources
Compatible with Windows 11, Windows 10, or macOS
For non-commercial use
Works with Microsoft Teams
Office 2024 is a one-time purchase that provides lifetime access to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, but without any additional services like OneDrive or Skype. While this version guarantees long-term access, it does not include future upgrades. If you wish to upgrade to the next major release, a new purchase will be required.
Before purchasing, ensure that your computer, mobile device, or browser meets the necessary system requirements.
Processor: Windows 11 or Windows 10 with 1.6 GHz, 2-core processor/recent macOS
Operating system: Windows 11 or Windows 10 for PC; Mac OS for Mac
Memory: 4 GB (64bit), 2 GB (32bit) RAM for PC; 4 GB RAM for Mac
Hard disk space: 4 GB available disk space for PC, 10 GB for Mac
Display: 1024 x 768 resolution for PC, 1280 x 800 for Mac
Graphics: DirectX 10 graphics card for graphics hardware acceleration for PC
Additional system requirements: Internet access; Microsoft account
See aka.ms/systemrequirements for the full list of system requirements